Tuesday 4 March 2014

Love in the Free State


Is there anything more beautiful during the summer heat? Anything more breath taking than having a rainy day in Bloemfontein? And the funny thing is that it happened on a Tuesday! (refer back to Tuesday Terror post) What a way for Mother Nature to set me straight

I love the rain; the smell, the feel, the cold.

The perfect time to cuddle up in bed or on the couch (as I am doing now) with your favourite thing to do. For me that would be reading or writing. Right now it is watching series with my step brother, because:
1) I love Supernatural
b) my very serious case of laziness is acting up again and
tres) it is raining!

All students should take this rare time of cool content and just relax. Even if it is for an hour or a minute, just stop what ever it is you are doing, stare at the slate grey sky heavy with clouds and let go...

Let go of your fears, your stress and anxiety. Just for that one moment, let it all go and drift in the endless bliss of filling your body and mind with the smell of rain.

Feel better? I do, after having four tests and three assignments in one week. Yes, I feel like myself again, because trust me, zombie is just not my colour.

Enjoy the rainy day UFS students and remember...

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