Allow me to introduce myself.
I am an explorer and adventure seeker.
Vampire hunter and werewolf fan.
A baker with an unhealthy relationship with chocolate and a young girl with an obsession with Greek Mythology.
Confused yet? let me explain...
I am a writer.
Author of five published books, several short stories and two poems. That is probably why I call myself a vampire hunter. I am even the Alpha to a werewolf pack and can summon magic from the tips of my fingers. That is what writing is to me; creating lives and interesting worlds that even I can get lost in. I was a bookworm that began writing in primary school. What started as creative writing assignments soon led to novels published in the USA. My genre is YA paranormal with splashes of comedy, horror and yes, even romance.
I am a student.
Currently in my third year studying journalism with an extra class for Greek Mythology, since I am interested in their ancient culture and myths. Writing is my passion and with this I plan on becoming an editor for a publishing company. Oh the dreams...
I am a sister, daughter and friend.
My life has its ups and downs. I am afraid of heights, so this roller coaster ride does scare me at times; it makes me scream, shout, laugh, cry and sing. But it is all mine. I have a wonderful family with siblings that annoy me and parents that punish me, but they make my life complete. I love them and they love me. I am the crazy one in my group of friends, going through life as if high on sugar and talking to the characters in my head. Still, they love me and I love them.
Oh yeah, and I have two dogs who I can't live without.
So that is me. Perhaps not ALL of me, but just enough to make you think I am weird but cool.
Hi, my name is Leah
And if Chris Hemsworth is involved then I volunteer as tribute.
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