Tuesday 4 March 2014

Fight the flab with friends!

Fitness as a trend on UFS campus?

The concept of joining a gym and jogging at night in the safe confines of the Kovies varsity has taken full swing on campus, quickly spreading its healthy roots amongst the students. Many students even go to class wearing their gym outfits, ready for those precious hours of flexing, sweating and grunting as they work on metallic monster machines.

This trend, according to students I caught on a jog, believe that the trend started because of the portrayal of beauty by the worldwide media. “You are accepted in society if you are a certain weight,” said psychology student Pamela Harris. “That’s why I am doing it. I’d rather be eating ice cream right now, but my friends and I decided to do this instead.”

Many students could then be feeling the same way as Pamela. But perhaps there is another reason as well, since now joining a gym is more desired if done in groups or with a partner.

Is it all about health then?

Franco, a first year drama student, believes that going to the gym is actually more for social interaction means than the actual workout. The gym is seen as a ‘social hub’ where people can ‘hangout’ and converse about classes and upcoming events.

Another student, Tsepo Kumala, had this to say: “The gym is for exercising, but every time I go there everyone is busy having conversations instead of actually doing the hard work on the machines.”

Lauren, a journalism student, has noted that some girls arrive in class dressed in full gym wear but also thickly padded in make-up and hair perfectly styled; “Looks more like they are looking for boyfriends instead of achieving healthier bodies.”

Most students, like Janke du Preez a third year journalism student, actually do go to the gym to lose weight, whereas others like Rogan Jones, a first year criminology student, sees the gym as an opportunity to form new friendships.

This concept of getting healthy while being in a social environment could mean there are distractions from the workout, thus a waste of money, or it could encourage those too shy to gym on their own to have fun while training with their social others.

Good or bad, this trend is booming across campus, even I am caught in its snare, and those who wish to have ice cream are subject to sweating instead.

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