Sunday, 13 April 2014

Life on campus

                                                Art as seen through the eyes of their creators.

On the 9th of April, the third year students at the University of the Free State held an art exhibition in the Johannes Stegmann Art Gallery. This was a means for these students to showcase their art with the theme Oculus; circles found in nature and through the artist’s interpretation and representation of the shape that can be more complex than first thought. The eye was the focus, as a way to do with looking; the main sense we have of seeing art, and also about architecture.

The theme has the logo “Observe. Immerse. Experience” which is exactly how the exhibition went on this night. You could observe displays big and small on the walls of paintings and sketch drawings, each showcasing some image involving a round element like that of a human skull or the shape of a cocktail dress. Immerse yourself by gazing at strange hollow carved animals filled with coloured beads or petals or grains, floating in coloured liquid.

On the floor was a wooden puzzle play board where spectators could feel free to create their own images as they slide each block back or forth, sharing the experience of creating a form of art like that of the artist. More was displayed in glass, clay, stone and even books transformed into frames.

With the enjoyment of wine and mini cupcakes, all in circular shapes of course, the night according to host Beon Hodges, a third year student in charge of organising the event, thought it was “a great success” and that the “turnout was impressive”. A successful night ended with a few art pieces sold and the students buzzing with the anticipation of going to the next display which will be held on the 14th of May.

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